After 2 years!


Well, well, well...


After 2 years, now you've decided to write again huh?

Lama hilang? Mana pergi? Hanyut?

So, yeah.

For the past 2 years, hmm, I've been busy (?)

Don't really know apa yang aku busykan sangat sebenarnya, but one thing that I know is, 2 tahun lepas macam macam benda berlaku and banyak benda aku biar berkarat dalam kepala otak.

But let's not talk about the years of my absences in this blogging universe yet.

Well, I've been re-reading my previous entries, doing some blog-walking stuffs and...



For some reasons, I guess it'd be good if I started to write again. It won't hurt, right?

Several previous entries of mine ada jugak tulis pasal nak menulis semula bla bla bla, but sudahnya tak ada juga kan? So kali ni kita tengok je lah. Ahahahaha!

Let's look on the bright side.

It has been 2 effing years since my last post.

Now, siapa je lagi yang ingat, usaha nak cari balik blog ni, and nak spend balik masa dekat sini?

Kalau ada, drop some of your words dekat ruang komen bawah tu. Let me know siapakah anda yang setia itu. Barangkali aku akan terharu dan datang raya rumah anda (Itu je mampu. Maaf.)

Anyway, I must admit. It does feel good here.

Got many things to share again, and I am, myself looking forward to it.

So, I guess this is all for my 'salam perkenalan semula'.

Jumpa lagi nanti.

